Nutrition Deficiencies and Eating Disorders

For body development and preventing diseases, we require micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) to stay healthy and function properly. They aren’t produced naturally in the body, so it has to be taken through the Diet.

A nutritional deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t absorb or get the required amount of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. There are a number of conditions that are caused by nutritional deficiency such as anemia.

The symptoms of a nutritional deficiency depend on its own deficient Nutrient in the body. However, there are some common symptoms include:

  • Pale skin
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Hair loss
  • Periods of lightheadedness
  • Constipation
  • Sleepiness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Feeling faint or fainting
  • Depression
  • Numbness of the joints
  • Poor concentration

Some common nutritional deficiencies include; 

  • Iron deficiency: Iron helps in producing red blood cells. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia which is a blood disorder that causes fatigue, weakness, and a variety of other symptoms. 
  • Vitamin A deficiency: It helps in the healthy functioning of Eye and the reproductive system of both men & women. Lack of vitamin A causes preventable blindness in children. Pregnant women with Vitamin A deficiency have higher maternal mortality rates.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B-1) deficiency: Vitamin B-1 is an essential part of our nervous system and also helps our body turn carbohydrates into energy as part of your metabolism. A lack of thiamine results in weight loss, fatigue, confusion, short-term memory loss. It can also damage the nerve and muscle cells and can affect the heart.
  • Niacin (vitamin B-3) deficiency: Vitamin B-3 also helps the body to convert food to energy. Deficiency in Vitamin B-3 is known as Pellagra where the symptoms include; diarrhea, dementia, and skin disorders.
  • Folate (vitamin B-9) deficiency: Vitamin B-9 helps in creating red blood cells and also produces DNA. Vitamin B-9 also helps brain development and nervous system functioning. Folate deficiency leads to severe birth defects, growth problems, or anemia.
  • Cobalamin (vitamin B-12) deficiency: Vitamin B-12 is responsible for creating healthy red blood cells. The symptoms of Cobalamin deficiency include; fatigue and weakness in extremities, dizziness, shortness of breath, weight loss, nausea or poor appetite, pale or yellowish skin. In case, it is left untreated for too long it can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D is crucial for health Bones. Lack of Vitamin D leads to poor bone growth.
  • Calcium Deficiency: Calcium helps to develop strong bones and teeth. It also helps the proper functioning of the heart, nerves, and muscles. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, convulsions, and abnormal heart rhythms. 

Eating Disorders is an illness that is characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or way too concern about body weight or shape. Some factors that cause eating disorders include;

  • Irregular hormone functions
  • Genetics
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Negative body image
  • Poor self-esteem

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