Heart attack occurs when there is a blockade of blood flow to the heart and it is a medical emergency. It is also called as acute myocardial infarction. One of the most causes of heart attack is atherosclerosis which prevents blood from getting to the heart muscle. The blockade is formed in heart attack is either due to plaque or fat, cholesterol and cellular waste products. The symptoms include shortness of breath, cold sweat, pressure or tightness in chest, chest pain, discomfort in other areas of upper body etc. The disease is diagnosed by electrocardiogram, blood tests. Additional tests include cardiac catheterization, chest X ray, cardiac CT, MRI are done in case of heart attack. Treatment includes life style changes, medication used in heart attack are asprin, antiplatelet and anti coagulant, pain killers. Cardiac procedures include stent, pacemaker, angioplasty heart valve surgery, atherectomy, radiofrequency ablation, transmyocardial revascularization and coronary artery bypass surgery.