
Hypertension is defined as high blood pressure which is a long term force of blood against the artery walls. Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of resistance to blood flow in arteries and the amount of blood that heart pumps. If more amount of blood is pumped it narrows the arteries, high blood pressure. Blood pressure is represented by two numbers one is systolic other is diastolic pressure. Normal blood pressure of a person is 120/80 in which the systolic blood pressure reading is 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure is 80 mm Hg. The pressure exerted by blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats, it is systolic pressure and the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart rests between beats, it is diastolic pressure. In case of hypertension the blood pressure will be 140/90 and higher. Hypertension is of two types.

  • Primary or Essential Hypertension
  • Secondary Hypertension
Primary hypertension is not related to any severe medical condition. It is caused due to elevation in blood plasma volume, stress, lack of exercise and environmental factors. Secondary hypertension is caused due to chronic kidney disease, diabetes, Cushing syndrome, hyperthyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia pheocromocytoma. Hypertensive crisis is a condition in which blood pressure is higher than 180/110 which led to organ damage. Hypertension in pregnancy is called as pre-eclampsia which is characterized by increased blood pressure and presence of protein in urine. It may sometimes leads to maternal deaths.

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