Organic compounds are necessary for supporting life on earth and include composite molecules like genetic facts carrying DNA and proteins that comprise of vital compounds of our blood, muscles and skin. Organic chemicals are found in materials like clothes, apparels, fuels, polymers, dyes and medicines. These are some of the important areas of application of these compounds. Science of chemistry is about 2 hundred years old. Around the year 1780, chemists began to recognize between organic compounds derived from plants and animals and inorganic compounds produced from mineral sources. The research of Organic Chemistry includes the amalgamation of organic molecules and the study of their reaction paths, interactivities and uses. Advanced interests include various topics such as the development of new synthetic methods for the assembly of complex organic molecules and polymeric materials, organometallic chemistry, organo catalysis, the amalgamation of natural products and non-natural products with distinctive biological and physical characteristics, composition and mechanistic research, natural product derivation, theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling, diversity-aligned synthesis, and carbohydrate organic chemistry. Organic Chemistry mainly focuses on prediction of aromatic behavior and anti-aromatic behavior, carbohydrates & carboxylic acids, nitriles & phenols, phosphine & polymers. Organic chemistry occupies a central position in the undergraduate science curriculum Antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, sugars, and proteins are only a few of the important classes of chemical substances that are organic. In addition, many industrially important products are organic-plastics, rubber, petroleum products, most explosives, perfumes, flavors, and synthetic fibers. It is little wonder that there are more organic chemists than chemists of any other kind.