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2022 : Volume 1, Issue 1

Assessment of Awareness, Attitude, and Practices Regarding Ayurvedic Medicine for Dental Concerns among Ayurvedic Graduates

Author(s) : Snehal Gaikwad 1 , Priya Jagdale 1 , Renuka Nagarale 1 and Mandar Todkar 1

1 Department of Public Health Dentistry , MA Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre , India

Int J Dent Oral Care

Article Type : Research Article


Introduction: Ayurvedic medications have stood the test of time since 12th century. This study pertains to knowledge regarding Ayurveda ingredients and their utility for dental wellness among Ayurveda students. 
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire study was conducted among the Ayurveda graduates in the Ayurveda colleges in Pune. The structured, self administered, close ended questionnaire was designed to collect the data which considered of two parts and comprised of 23 questions. The reliability statistics were calculated. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statics. 
Results: Study was performed on 130 participants aged between 23 to 25 years. Out of 130 participants 75 were females and 55 were males. All of the participants were graduates in Ayurveda colleges in Pune. 
Conclusion: The overall knowledge, attitude and practice of the study participants regarding ayurvedic medicine used in dentistry are average level. Therefore, more comprehensive awareness programmes about dental issues are needed for the Ayurveda graduates.
Keywords: Ayurveda graduates, Triphala, Ayurvedic medicine, Neem, Questionnaire study.


Ayurveda, the oldest medical science that has originated from the Indian subcontinent, has been practiced since the 12th century [1]. Ayurveda is considered as ‘science of life’ because the ancient Indian system of health care focussed on views of man and his illness. There are 32 teeth as per both ayurveda and modern dentistry. About 80% of people in developing countries used traditional medicine for their healthcare [2]. Ayurveda plays an important role in medicine. In this study, use of Ayurveda in dentistry was assessed. Ayurveda entails beneficial practices such as oil pulling or oil swishing which is a time honoured Indian folk remedy that involves swishing edible oil in the mouth for oral and systemic benefits [3] .Conventional drugs usually provide effective antibiotic therapy for bacterial infections but on account of the same, we see a rise in resistance to antibiotics and a need for effective solutions. Triphala is a well known powder preparation in Indian system of medicine [4]. Studies also suggest that Triphala has several applications in dentistry. There is reference regarding ideal dentition in Ayurveda. Assessment of effect of ayurveda on modern dentistry can be done through this valid questionnaire [5] as well as attitude of ayurvedic graduates towards dentistry and the various types of ayurvedic medicines used for dental purpose. This study gives an idea about Ayurveda’s significant role in dentistry. Ayurveda is effective way to treat dental issues yet there is insufficient scientific evidence to support its effectiveness [3]. The aim of the study is to assess of awareness, attitude, and practices about ayurvedic medicine for dental concerns among the ayurvedic graduates.

Materials and Methods

A questionnaire study was conducted among the Ayurvedic graduates in the Ayurvedic colleges in Pune. The objectives of study were to assess the awareness, attitude, and practices of the use of Ayurvedic content. The study duration was three months. The participants were selected based on the following inclusion criteria: 1) Graduates in colleges in Pune, 2) Those graduates who were willing to participate. The input parameters for sample size calculation are as follows: 80% power of the study, alpha error 0.05, effect size 0.7, degree of freedom as 5. The calculated sample size was 120 using G*power software version (Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf). The final considered sample was around 130. The convenient sampling techniques were used in study. A questionnaire was pretested and validated among 20 subjects to check reliability and variability and these subjects were not included in final analysis. The structured, self-administered, closed-ended questionnaire was designed to collect the data which considered of two parts and comprised of 23 questions. The first part consisted of demographic data such as name, age, education, occupation. The second part consisted of questions based on knowledge, attitude and practices of use of ayurvedic ingredients. The reliability statistics were calculated and Cronbach Alpha was 0.677.The questionnaire was designed on Google forms (Google LLC, Mountain View, California, United States) and the link was distributed among the Ayurvedic graduates through Email, WhatsApp and other social media platforms (Instagram, telegram, etc.). Participants were given brief introduction was given about study. Data collected were entered in a spread sheet (Microsoft Excel 2018). Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) 23.0 version software (IBM Chicago, Illinois, United States) was used. The P value was set at 5%.


Table 1 states that there were a total of 130 participants aged between 23 to 25 years. Out of 130 participants, 75 were females and 55 were males. All of the participants were graduates in ayurvedic colleges in Pune. Table 2 depicts that around 53.8 % of participants knew the advantage of ayurvedic alternatives, physiology and few of the side effects over modern medicine while 10 % thought that ayurvedic alternatives destroys disease causing bacteria. About 53.3% participants thought that caries are the most common dental issue, 30.76% thought that oral cancer is main dental issue while 15.38% thought that oral ulcer is common dental issue. Around 100% participants aware that meswak is ayurvedic dentifrices. About 63.84% participants were aware about anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti- bacterial properties of neemstick in oral cavity. Around 43.07% participants were unaware of ayurvedic alternative for tobacco cessation, 46% participants thought that ginger powder is an alternative, 19.23 % thought that tulsi is an alternative and 9.23% thought that neem stick is an alternative for tobacco cassation. The table 3 states that around 43.34% participants thought that palm jiggery is naturally occurring sweetener, 38.46% thought that honey is naturally occurring sweetener, 16.69% thought that stevia is naturally occurring sweeteners and only 10.76% thought that date sugar is naturally occurring sweetener. Around 76.15% participants thought that neem stick is plaque controlling agent, 17.69% thought that neem stick, Triphala and Amla is plaque controlling while 6.15% thought that Triphala is plaque controlling agent.

Sr. No. Demographic Details Response Number (N) Percentage (%) Total N (%)
  Age (years) 23 33 25.38% 130 [100%]
  24 90 69.23%
1 25 7 5.38%
  Gender Male 55 42.3 130 [100%]
2 Female 75 57.69
  Occupation       130 [100%]
3 Graduates 130 100

Table 1: Demographic Details of Study Participants (N=52). 

Sr. No. Questions Responses Number (N) Percent age (%) Total
1 Witch of the following is the advantage of ayurvadic alternatives over modern medicine? It destroys disease causing 13 10  
Instence action of drugs 2 1.53  
Do not causing allergic reaction 45 34.6 [100%]
Understanding physiology 70 53.8  
and few side effects  
2 What is the most common dental issue is you aware of? Oral Ulcers 20 15.38  
Caries 70 53.3 130
Halitosis 0 0 [100%]
Oral cancer 40 30.76  
3 Which of the following ayurvedic Dentifrices are you aware of? Colgate 0 0  
Sensodyne 0 0 130
Pepsodent 0 0 [100%]
Meswak 130 100  
4 What are the naturally occurring alternativesused for sodium lauryl sulphate? Saponin 7 5.38  
Fat soaps 5 3.84 130
Both 76 58.46 [100%]
None 42 32.3  
5 Which of the following is an effect of neem stick in oral Fluoride releasing activity 7 5.38  
Teeth whitening 21 16.15  
Anti-inflammatory,     130
antifungal and anti- bacterial properties 83 63.84 [100%]
None of the above 0 0  
Don’t know 19 14.61  
6 What are the ayurvedic alternative for antibiotics? Turmeric 25 19.23  
goldenseal 9 6.92  
Echinacea 8 6.15 130
All of the above 88 67.69 [100%]
  How does clove oil act as anaesthetic? Directly blocking the nerve 4 3.07  
  Inhibit n-methyl-d- aspartate receptor 32 24.61  
7       130
  Both 88 67.69 [100%]
  None 60 4.61  
8 Which of the following is an effect of charcoal powder in oral cavity? Abrasive and causes teeth 30 23.016  
Fluoride releasing 44 33.84 130
Anti-inflammatory 26 20 [100%]
Antifungal 26 20  
Don’t know 4 3.07  
9 Which of the following most reliable technique used in ayurveda for swelling? Hot water pack 3 2.3  
Neem application 47 36.15 130
Pressure pack and ice pack 52 40 [100%]
None of the above 28 21.53  
10 What is the ayurvedic alternative do you know for tobacco cessation? Neem stick 12 9.23  
Ginger powder 37 28.46 130
Tulsi 25 19.23 [100%]
Don’t know 56 43.07  
11 Do you think ayurveda has significant role in dentistry? Agree 70 53.8  
Neutral 24 18.46  
Strongly agree 10 7.69 130
Disagree 26 20 [100%]
12 Do you agree that oil pulling is more beneficial than Chlorhexidine mouth wash Agree 5 3.84  
Strongly agree 7 5.38  
  Disagree 42 32.3 130
  Strongly disagree 76 58.46 [100%]
  Neutral 0 0  
13 Do you believe that ayurvedic ginger powder is more reliable in tobacco cessation than nicotex chewing gum? Agree 35 19.44  
Strongly agree 48 36.92  
Disagree 24 18.46 130
Strongly disagree 23 17.69 [100%]
Neutral 0 0  

Do you agree that ayurvedic dentifrices can limit the caries

Agree 5 3.84  
Strongly agree 25 19.23  
Disagree 98 75.38 130
Strongly disagree 24 18.46 [100%]
Neutral 3 2.3  

Table 2: Knowledge Related Questions’ Responses of Study Participants (N=52).

Sr. Questions Responses Number (N) Percentage (%) Total
15 Do you agree camphor is reliable for infected rootcanal and Periapical infections Agree 25 19.23  
Strongly agree 30 23.07
Disagree 21 16.15 [100%]
Strongly    disagree 33 25.38  
Neutral 21 2.3  
16 Do you agree stevia leaves is efficient sugar substitute Agree 9 6.92  
Strongly agree 55 42.3 130
Disagree 11 8.46 [100%]
Strongly disagree 16 12.3  
Neutral 39 30  
17 Which of the following naturally occurring sweetness you recommend? Honey 50 38.46  
Palm jiggery 57 43.34 130
Stevia 22 16.69 [100%]
Date sugar 1 10.76
18   Amla 0 0  
Which of the following do you suggest for plaque control? Neem stick 99 76.15 130
Triphala 8 6.15 [100%]
All of the above 23 17.69  
19 Which of the following ayurvedic tooth paste do you recommend for patients suffering from periodontitis? Dabur red paste 2 1.53  
Vicovajradanti 5 3.84 [100%]
Patanjali tooth paste 3 2.3  
Meswak 120 92.3  
20 What ayurvedic formulation you suggest for halitosis? Meswak 1 0.76  
Triphjalachurna 10 7.69 130
Mint tea tree oil 47 36.15 [100%]
All of the above 72 55.38  
21 Which of the following ayurvedicObtudent formation do you recommend for oral ulcers? Clove oil 40 30.76  
Mulethi (licorice) 41 31.53 [100%]
Both 38 29.23  
None 11 8.46  
22 Which of the following ayurvedic medicine do you suggest to chronic smokers to reduce side effects? Tumeric 35 19.44  
Ashwagandha 48 36.92 [100%]
both 24 18.46  
none 23 17.69  
23 What is the most reliable and most recommended ayurvedic medicine used in dental issues? Green tea 5 3.84  
Tumeric 41 31.53
Babul 3 2.3 [100%]
Ginger 78 60  
other 3 2.3  

Table 3: Attitude and Practice Related Questions’ Responses of  Study Participants (N=52). 


Ayurvedic medications have been used for various ailments. Recently there is renewed interest in use of various ayurvedic drugs for oral and dental health6.The study population was the ayurvedic graduates in Pune city, India.The knowledge attitude and practice of graduates about ayurvedic medicine used in dentistry is determined by this study. According to DevanandGupta, DaraJohn, Bhaskar and Wahaja Karine there was significant percentage change in plaque and gingivitis over a period of 4 weeks in patients on OcimumSactum7.where as in this study chlorhexidine is still considered one of the most effective antiplaque agent. In this study over all knowledge attitude and practice of study participants regarding ayurvdic medicine used for dental good is average level more than half of the participants were aware of ayurvedic medicine used in dentistry.As per K Mehta, P Pantazis, McQeen ,BBaggrewat turmeric reportedly decrease the chances of getting cancer and exhibits anti-carcinogenic properties8 but according to this study Ayurveda have no or very less role in anticancer therapy and 30.76% participant states oral cancer is most commonly occurring dental issue. According to G R Prabhu, A Gnanami the Guaijaverinplant shows anti-streptococcus mutans activity and decrease caries activity in oral cavity [9]. In this study 67.69% ayurvedic graduates recommended ayurvedic alternatives for antibiotics. The responses gathered were received through social media platform through Google form links as well as personally through filling the hard copies of the forms there is possibility of bias as Ayurveda graduates working in rural areas were not approached for participation in the study the initiation of study was the small sample size the study would have been done using large sample size and different variables in different region of India.


1. More awareness programmes should be arranged for ayurvedic colleges for ayurvedic treatment of dental issues.
2. Extent of use of Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of dental disease should be increased in ayurvedic graduates.


The overall knowledge, attitude and practice of the study participants regarding ayurvedic medicine used in dentistry proved to be of an average level. Therefore, more comprehensive awareness programmes about dental issues are needed to the Ayurveda graduates.


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