
EDITOR : Ricardo Grilo

Assistant Professor

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas



44 years old, oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Master degreee in course. University professor (oral and maxillofacial surgery and facial esthetics) Technical consultant of facial esthetics products Published articles in 2021: Orthognathic in a precocious edentulous patient Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences Efficacy of biostimulatory ozone therapy: case report and literature review Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Protective hydrogel to heal post maxillofacial surgery paresthesia? ADOMS Use of lactoferrin + tetracycline as a wound protection and healing in cases of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws Open Journal of Case Reports speciality: oral and maxillofacial surgery facial esthetics (dermal fillers, botulinic toxin, etc)

research interest

oral and maxillofacial surgery AND facial esthetics (dermal fillers, botulinic toxin...)



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