
EDITOR : Vita Meylani

Associate Professor

Universitas SIliwangi



VITA MEYLANI began her career as a Lecturer in Biology

Educat ion Department in 2011. She received her Bachelor of

Education in Biology from the Universitas Siliwangi in Tasikmalaya,

Indonesia. Her Masters of Science (2015) were bestowed by

Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She is concern

in Microbology in several, specifically in Taxonomic of Microbes and

Marine Microbiology, Infectious Disease by Microbes in Human.

(Photographed by Vita Meylani).

research interest

  • Dentistry, Oral, HealthPediatric, DentistryOral, HygienePublic, Health Dentistry, Gingivitis, Microbiology, Marine Microbiology, Taxonomy, Bacterial Disease



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