Perioperative Nursing

Perioperative nursing is the nursing care provided for the patients before (perioperative) , during (Intraoperative) and after (Postoperative) the surgery. Perioperative nurses provide care for patients in the period prior to and right after surgery or intervention procedures. The nurses assesses the patient data by collecting, organizing and prioritizing, establishing diagnosis, identifying patient problems and outcomes, implementing new methods of care, treatment.

There are three phase of the “Perioperative Nursing”

  • Perioperative Phase: It includes the stage where decision for surgery is taken with consultation and ends when the patient is transferred to the operating room bed.
  • Intraoperative Phase: It includes the stage when the patient is transferred to the operating room bed and and ends with transfer to the postanesthesiacare unit (PACU).
  • Postoperative Phase: It includes the stage when the patient’s is transferred to the recovery unit and ends with the resolution of surgical sequelae.

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