
Neuro oncology is a branch of oncology which deals with the mechanisms related to the brain tumours and studies the various perspectives of its biology like diagnosis , the stage of cancer, brain and central nervous system management and the treatment incorporated for the patient.  The physician who involved with the diagnosis and treatment of neuro oncology is called neuro oncologist Neuro oncology defines there are two kids of brain tumours called primary brain tumours and secondary brain tumours which are more abundantly found cases in the patients and also the other kinds of brain tumours related to be primary but very rarely noticed in the patients. The primary brain tumour includes meningiomas and glioma. The secondary brain tumours mostly includes the condition like the brain tumour begins and forms as lung tumour and then spreads to different parts of the body. The neuro oncology deals with the different kinds of imaging studies most commonly such as Computed Tomography (CT) , Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and very minimally the imaging technologies like Myelography, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and Diagnostic Angiography to diagnosis the tumours related to brain and spinal cord in the patient. With the advances in the technology and new treatment techniques emerging more rapidly many dispute that the neuro oncology has lost the capability rejuvenation in completely understanding the molecular in depth and pathophysiology of the specific neuro cancer related to glioma.

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