Otitis media is an inflammation of the center ear and may occur in either one or both ears at an equivalent time. It is characterized by the accumulation of infected fluid in the middle of the ear causing the bulging of eardrum and pain in the ear. In general, otitis isn't serious and doesn't normally cause permanent hearing problems if treated properly. Most often, otitis is cured within the home by means of medication. If your child contracts otitis often or otitis isn't treated, it can cause permanent damage to your child's hearing. Otitis media is caused by an epidemic or by bacteria that cause an accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum. This condition can result from a cold, allergy, or respiratory infection.
Symptoms of otitis media
Symptoms to look for in children (often in combination):
- Scratching or holding the ear
- Crying and irritation
- Hearing loss
- Fever
- Ear drainage