Usher disorder is a hereditary condition including sensorineural hearing misfortune and retinitis pigmentosa (RP) which is characterized by partial or total hearing loss and vision loss. The symptoms of this syndrome are deafness or hearing loss and an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Deafness is caused due to abnormal growth of hair cells in the region of the inner ear which results in the impaired ability of the inner ear and auditory nerves to transmit sensory (sound) input to the brain (sensorineural hearing loss) as well as an abnormal accumulation of colored (pigmented) material on the nerve-rich membrane (the retina) lining the eyes.
Different types of Usher syndrome are:
Type 1: Are almost totally deaf at birth.
Type 2: Have moderate to severe hearing loss at birth.
Type 3: Have a normal hearing at birth.