
EDITOR : Nayera El-morsi Hassan


National Research Centre



Former Head of Biological anthropology, Dept., National research center, Egypt.

Qualifications :

1- MB.B.CH, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University, 1985.

2- M.Sc., Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University, 1990.

3- Ph.D., Faculty of Postgraduate Childhood Studies, Ain-Shams University, 1993.

research interest

Biological anthropology Research, General pediatrics, Child Growth and Development, Nutrition Assessment using Bio-anthropology, Obesity Assessment and Intervention, BodyComposition, Bone Density, Studying different environmental factors and their effect on healthand growth specially e.g. fetomaternal aspect, Child health, Growth, Nutrition, Obesity and itscomplications

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