
Primary care and public health are often devised as two bodies providing complementary services within the health system. This review aims to better interpret how the two sectors interrelate by connecting their shared functions, and by linking organizational prototypes that could enable the interaction between the two domains. Public health may be defined as “the skill and technology of averting disease, enhancing life and encouraging health through the planned efforts of society” and includes activities enclosing all organized efforts to assist, protect and upgrade, and when necessary, reinstate the health of human being, specific groups, or communities. Primary care is described as the first point of arrival into the health care system. It is responsible for the provision and delivery of first-contact, person-centered, longitudinal, comprehensive, and coordinated care. Healthcare represents one of the health sectors, alongside public health, that interacts regularly with the majority of the population. Depending on the local context, it often includes disease prevention and treatment of common diseases and injuries, screening and early diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care. A well-shaped primary care system creates welfare in terms of public health, with the depletion of avoidable bitterness and transience and hospitalizations. In spite of the improvements in medical technologies and a general surge in income levels, healthcare continues to create challenges of economical, complication and access across the world. In developed markets, per capita healthcare overheads have grown faster than both income levels and pretension rates over the past decade due to growing occurrence of lifestyle driven chronic diseases and ageing populations. Still, there have been no corresponding advancement in the quality of healthcare delivery in many countries. On the contrary, developing nations essentially face the challenge of providing healthcare approach to their citizens. Compared to healthcare access, mobile access is becoming almost omnipresent worldwide. Nearly all developed markets already have mobile penetration higher than 100%. Mobile penetrations in Asia-Pacific, Africa and Latin America have also increased to 82%, 98% and 119% respectively. Also, the enhancing penetration of smartphones as well as the 3G and 4G networks will give a remarkable upliftment to the use of the virtual platform for delivering healthcare services. Thus, the practicality of mobile devices supporting healthcare is more than ever before. Mobile health - the use of mobile reporting and devices for delivering healthcare services or attaining health outcomes - stands at a notable conjugation point.

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